1.But what he had seen in her eyes was soul - immortal soul that could never die.
2.One was to pray for the immortal soul of Simon Fitz Mary and a few of his friends.
3."Yes, I will, " said the little princess in a trembling voice, as she thought of the prince and the immortal soul.
4.There, the immortal soul of a human being, called a ba, is represented by a stylized bird with a human head.
5.he does not abandon us . he is with us even in our last dying breath to take our immortal soul out of this body into eternity.
6."Never mind your immortal soul, " she said tartly.
7.So, man could not have had an immortal soul from the beginning.
8.A mermaid has not an immortal soul, nor can she obtain one unless she wins the love of a human being.
9."Why have we not an immortal soul? " asked the little mermaid sorrowfully.
10.He will protect your immortal soul, and He will proclaim His love to you forevermore.